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Paul McCartney on homeopathy

Former Beatles member and singer-songwriter Paul McCartney is a great fan of homeopathy.

“I can’t manage without homeopathy. In fact, I never go anywhere without homeopathic remedies. I often make use of them,” he says.

He was introduced to homeopathy by his wife Linda, who saw the great results of homeopathy when she could not get rid of her tonsillitis. When first diagnosed with tonsillitis she was prescribed a course of antibiotics which only provided temporary relief – her symptoms soon returned.

When she consulted a homeopathic doctor, however, her symptoms not only went away rapidly; they never returned.

Please remember
It is important to check out any healers credentials before you start to take their professional advice. I always recommend you view any practitioner’s qualifications to ensure you are working with someone you can trust.

In that regard these celebrity endorsements are for the specific genre of Homeopathic treatments and not for specific practitioners. Feel free to contact me with any concerns.

News, People Using Homeopathy